Uni Climate Council


Already during the status quo analysis with the development of an integrated list of external impact factors, the preparation of the university climate councils (UCC) begins. The intention is to use UCC's recommendations to investigate how the university can be climate neutral in the future. A University Climate Council was held once at four universities in the project network in the summer semester of 2023 (1.5 days). This is not a permanent committee. The results of these councils, the so-called climate plans, were presented in November and December 2023.

At the Magdeburg-Stendahl University of Applied Sciencs no UCC was held, as a  climate protection concept was developed at this university this year. This concept already contains recommendations for achieving climate neutrality, which will be used for the next steps of the KlimaPlanReal project.


Concept and composition of a university climate council

A special feature of the committee is that it is not created by election or appointment, but is selected by lot. The concept of citizens' assemblies serves as a model here, in which members are selected at random in order to develop solutions together. The idea behind this is that a variety of opinions are represented and that the agreements of this body are accepted as widely as possible and are capable of winning a majority. The university climate councils were formed in the summer semester of 2023 with the support of the project's scientific advisory board. One feature that was established is the equal representation of students, who will make up half of the committee. Care will be taken to ensure a balanced gender distribution in all status groups. Employees will be released from work to participate in the university climate councils. Compensatory benefits are also provided for students. At OVGU, for example, they receive credits as part of the sustainability certificate. Overall, the HKR represents a transparent and consistent procedure, accompanied by professional process management by the four university climate councils.

This video (in German only) further explains the concept of the UCC. 

Procedure of the university climate councils

The university climate councils took place on the following dates: 

  • HS Harz: On the 16.05.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 01.06.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • OVGU Magdeburg: On the 10.06.23 (9 - 13h) and on the 30.06.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • MLU Halle-Wittenberg: On the 16.06.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 01.07.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • HS Anhalt: On the 12.06.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 07.07.23 (9 - 16:30h)

During the first half-day meeting, participants received information on the KlimaPlanReal project and the topics sustainable communter mobility, sustainable buisness travel, energy, biodiversity, sustainable procurement and sustainable diet. In the course of the second meeting, university-specific measures were then developed by the participants. Technical as well as implementation experts were available to answer questions during the development process.

The university climate councils are supported by experts who provide information, experience and ideas.

This page is currently still under construction, not all experts are listed here yet.

Experts that supported the university climate council of the OVGU

    • Anke Scholz - Project coordinator „FAIRantwortungsvolle Beschaffung in Sachsen-Anhalt“ at the association EINE WELT Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
    • Prof. Ulrich Spindler - Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities at the Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim, Expertise in regenerative campus design
    • Charlotte Kaulen, Team DIYVCD-Project »DIY: Verkehrswende selber machen« from the association Verkehrsclub Deutschland e.V. (VCD)
    • Veronique Holzen - Research project Tramocee: Transformation of mobility behavior due to corona-related restrictions and new experiences
    • Sandra Dullau, Sanja Drohm und Sophie Lokatis – From the network of university initiatives for biodiversity via various initiatives (Hochschule Anhalt, Initiative Bunte Wiese Tübingen, Blühender Campus FU Berlin)

Results of the university climate councils

The transformation measures developed during the HKR are then recorded by the KlimaPlanReal project teams in a university-specific climate plan. These climate plans were presented on the following dates:

  • HS Anhalt: 15.11.2023 after the lecture series on sustainability (Start 18:30h)
  • MLU Halle-Wittenberg20.11.2023 at 18h in the Hallischen Saal
  • OVGU Magdeburg22.11.2023 at 13 Uhr during a university council meeting
  • HS Harz: 13.12.2023 at 14:00 Uhr im during a university council meeting

In addition, one measure per field of action is selected for the final selection on the basis of an impact assessment. Two of these measures are then implemented in the next stage of the project, the 1st transfer laboratory and subsequently in the 2nd transfer laboratory. Some of the other measures are recommended to the responsible departments and, where possible, incorporated into other processes at the respective university.

Last Modification: 21.05.2024 - Contact Person: