Procedure of the university climate councils

Procedure of the university climate councils

The university climate councils took place on the following dates: 

  • HS Harz: On the 16.05.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 01.06.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • OVGU Magdeburg: On the 10.06.23 (9 - 13h) and on the 30.06.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • MLU Halle-Wittenberg: On the 16.06.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 01.07.23 (9 - 16:30h)
  • HS Anhalt: On the 12.06.23 (16 - 20h) and on the 07.07.23 (9 - 16:30h)

During the first half-day meeting, participants received information on the KlimaPlanReal project and the topics sustainable communter mobility, sustainable buisness travel, energy, biodiversity, sustainable procurement and sustainable diet. In the course of the second meeting, university-specific measures were then developed by the participants. Technical as well as implementation experts were available to answer questions during the development process.

Last Modification: 21.05.2024 - Contact Person: