Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal

Inter-university transfer laboratory
[Working title] Promotion of plant-based canteen offerings and introduction of CO₂ labeling of canteen dishes of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg

...as a measure in the field of nutrition.

As part of the KlimaPlanReal research project, the Hochschule Harz (HSH), Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal (h2) and Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (OVGU) would like to promote the plant-based canteen offer more strongly and introduce CO₂ labeling of canteen dishes from the Studentenwerk Magdeburg.

Description of measures:

  • The initiative from three participating universities aims to promote awareness of sustainable nutrition by introducing CO₂-labeling on dishes. As part of this initiative, the acceptance and visual design of the label will be validated and long-term adjustments in purchasing behavior will be determined.
  • As a supporting measure, a vegan/vegetarian action day will be carried out as a campaign, offering exclusively vegan/vegetarian dishes once a week. The aim of this day is to encourage Studentenwerk guests to adopt alternative eating habits, whereby attention is paid to high-quality and varied offerings.
  • In addition, the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal should have the option of offering an equivalent vegan/vegetarian alternative for at least one meat-based dish every day, as is already the case at OVGU.
  • These measures serve as a trial approach with the long-term goal of adapting user behavior so that in 2 to 3 years a larger proportion of the canteen dishes on offer will consist exclusively of plant-based foods.

Additional aspects:

  • OVGU Magdeburg: Animal-based products should continue to be available if they are actively chosen. However, the price of animal-based products should be adjusted in line with the climate impact, for example in the form of a "CO₂ tax" on meals.
  • HS Harz: In addition to the increased plant-based food offerings in the canteen, there should be a weekly veggie day. In order to increase the acceptance of vegetarian and vegan food options, further campaign days and specialty weeks, for example with top chefs, are being sought.
  • HS Magdeburg-Stendal: In connection with CO₂ labeling, the aspects of a) reducing food waste and b) initiatives such as food sharing and food rescue should be brought more to the attention of university members. The exact way in which this is to be done will be worked out with those involved as part of the transformation lab.

This recommendation of the Inter-University Climate Council can be found in detail in the Hochschule Harz Climate Plan (german only; Measure 25) and in the OVGU Magdeburg Climate Plan (german only; Measures 2 and 1 on Ernährung).
Note: As the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal did not have a university climate council, the measure was expanded within the project together with the ideas from the other two climate plans for the third location of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg. This means that all three universities associated with the canteens of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg are involved in the overall measure.

  • Further partial measures in the area of nutrition / canteen will be supplemented by the Transferlabor team if necessary.

Next steps:
(as of 03/2024)

The Studentenwerk is a central player within this transfer lab and has already expressed interest in working together following a preliminary discussion. Together with the project managers and other stakeholders from the three universities, the description of the measures is to be reflected upon and, if necessary, adapted and concretized. As soon as the participants have agreed on a shared vision, a joint work plan and timetable should be drawn up and responsibilities defined.
This process is planned for 15h of March 2024.

Explanation: Cross-university transfer lab

The transfer lab is described as cross-university because the measure is managed by two different universities over the phase of two transfer labs.

  1. The HS Magdeburg-Stendal will take over the management of the 1st transfer lab phase (12/2023 to approx. 09/2024).
  2. The HS Harz will take over the management of the 2nd transfer lab phase (approx. 10/2024 to 09/2025).

As OVGU Magdeburg has already selected two main transfer laboratories of its own, it is not involved in this measure in a leading but accompanying role, as it covers the third location of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg , has the most university members and the largest canteen.

Last Modification: 08.03.2024 - Contact Person: