Initial situation and research questions

Initial situation and research questions

The federal and state governments have set ambitious sustainability goals, such as Agenda 2030 and climate neutrality by 2045. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in spring 2021 has not only shown that these climate goals must be much more ambitious in the short term than previously thought. It also emphatically draws attention to intergenerational justice in climate protection. This makes it even more important to achieve climate protection goals at an early stage at universities (HS) as well. In this project, new forms of initiating and supporting transformation processes at universities are being used and investigated. There are already many recommendations and good practices that address climate neutrality (netzwerk n, Hoch N project), but change is still slow at universities, including those in this network from Saxony-Anhalt. So far, good ideas too often fail because of the system, e.g. because of system boundaries such as political or state-specific difficulties, or because of the resulting intensified lines of conflict within the institution and between the member groups. It is not yet clear what measures can be taken to release the motivation of all university members in such a way that self-supporting transformation paths can develop at universities.

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