Climate plans and impact assessments of the respective universities

KlimaplanFollowing the completion of the University Climate Councils, the results - including the council's concrete recommendations - were compiled in a university-specific climate plan and handed over to the respective university admistration.


How are measures from the climate plans selected for the transfer laboratories?

Suitable pilot measures for the transfer laboratories were selected from the measures in the Climate Plans1 - which are recommendations from the University Climate Council - based on an impact assessment by the respective project team. More detailed information can be found further down the page.

1 No university climate council took place at Magdeburg Stendal University of Applied Sciences as there was already a comprehensive climate protection concept in place. The measures for the Transfer Laboratories are therefore based on the university's climate protection concept and the assessment by the climate advisory board instead of a climate plan.


Access & download the climate plans and associated impact assessments of the participating universities:


Note on the impact assessment and the selection of the measures for the Transfer Laboratories

In order to select suitable proposals for measures from the climate plan for the upcoming transfer labs, these were evaluated in terms of their greenhouse gas reduction potential, the expected implementation costs and duration, their feasibility within a transfer lab and other criteria (impact assessment). This assessment was used to preselect seven promising measures from all six fields of action. This selection was presented to the project partners and the scientific advisory board and discussed with them. The implementation options were then also discussed with representatives of the university management.
Following these necessary consultations, two proposals for measures were selected for implementation in the transfer laboratories. The first transfer lab focuses on the proposed measure "Efficient IT / energy savings in everyday university life" from the energy field of action in order to achieve GHG reductions and establish a more sustainable use of equipment. The second transfer lab on the measure "More species-rich flowering meadows and trees" from the biodiversity field of action has a high level of visibility and is intended to contribute to the promotion of biodiversity and climate adaptation of campus green spaces at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.

Follow-up of the (other) ClimatePlan measures

Further feasible proposals for measures from the climate plan were integrated into the action plan for implementing the sustainability strategy of Anhalt University of Applied Sciences drawn up by the sustainability working group led by Sabine Thalmann (Head of Administration) and Prof. Dr. Sabine Tischew (Vice President for Research, Transfer and Sustainability) and are now being successively implemented. This means that the KlimaPlanReal project will be effective beyond the funded project period and pays special tribute to the commitment of the members of the University Climate Council.


Note on the selection of the measures for the Transfer Laboratories

From the top selection of measures, the "Energy efficiency campaign" measure was selected for the first Transfer Laboratory. This measure promised a major impact in terms of greenhouse gas reductions while at the same time being easy to implement in terms of costs and time resources. In addition, good contacts with the energy manager promised constructive work with important stakeholders. The selection for implementation was discussed and determined with the university management. The measure for the second Transfer Laboratory will be finally selected in the coming months.

Follow-up of the (other) ClimatePlan measures

Efforts are being made to encourage interested parties in the respective departments of the Central University Administration to implement further measures. Specific steps will be communicated transparently here on an ongoing basis.


Note on the selection of the measures for the Transfer Laboratories

After consultation with the KlimaPlanReal project advisory board, the following procedure was decided upon: The focus in the 1st Transfer Laboratory is on visibility (for all OVGU member groups), in the 2nd Transfer Laboratory on impact (GHG reduction), as no prioritized top measure is both particularly visible and particularly effective (GHG-reducing). For the 1st Transfer Laboratory, the measure "Unsealing land and reducing car parking spaces" was therefore selected and for the 2nd Transfer Laboratory the measure "Creating incentives for rail travel instead of air travel (intracontinental)".

Follow-up of the (other) ClimatePlan measures

Among other things, the local OVGU project team is discussing with various teaching staff whose events that are thematically close to the measure (tending to be seminars) are suitable for following up the measures. In addition, the project team analyzes the suitability of the measures for thesis topics and aims to provide a list for students on the website of the Sustainability Office. At the same time, students are encouraged to develop their own topics derived from the ClimatePlan measures. Relevant stakeholders in the university administration and individual practitioners outside the university are recommended suitable measures and asked for an assessment of their feasibility.


Note on the selection of the measures for the Transfer Laboratories

The project team at Harz University of Applied Sciences, with the involvement of experts, evaluated and prioritized all measures of the University Climate Council based on the impact criteria. In addition, consideration was given to which measures were (or could be) already being implemented by other organizational units at the university. Finally, measures were selected for both transfer labs that had not only been given a high prioritization by the Inter-University Climate Council, but also had a high GHG impact and were expected to have additional benefits. As a result, the "bicycle rental or sharing station at the main railway station" will be implemented in the 1st transfer lab and the "optimization of the canteen offer" in the 2nd transfer lab. The latter promises corresponding synergies and particularly high visibility thanks to its cross-university implementation.

Follow-up of the (other) Climate Plan measures

The Harz University of Applied Sciences project team is in close contact with other organizational units at the university and passes on the resulting ideas. Some measures in the area of energy are taken into account in the integrated climate protection concept. Measures in the area of biodiversity can be included in the environmental program as part of the university's environmental protection management. The Senate Commission Sustainable Harz University of Applied Sciences with relevant representatives of all status groups is regularly informed about the project status and accompanies the implementation of the ClimatePlan measures as well as the measures of the environmental and climate protection management.


Note on the selection of the measures for the Transfer Laboratories

Information to be announced.

Here you will find a cross-university overview of all KlimaPlan measures with the corresponding brief description, prioritization by Hochschulklimarat participants and assessment of suitability for the Transfer Laboratories.

Last Modification: 21.05.2024 - Contact Person: