First Transfer Laboratories finished

01.11.2024 -  

First Transfer Laboratories finished

The first Transfer Laboratory phase of all participating universities is finished. The five transformer teams worked on the following measures, that were developed within the context of the university climate councils and chosen based on an impact assessment.

  • Hochschule Anhalt: Efficient IT / energy savings in everyday university life
  • MLU Halle-Wittenberg: Energy efficiency campaign
  • OVGU Magdeburg: Unsealing of parking lots (partial)
  • Hochschule Harz: Bike rental or sharing station
  • Hoschule Magdeburg-Stendal: Promotion of plant-based canteen offerings and introduction of CO₂ labeling of canteen dishes of the Studentenwerk Magdeburg

 We thank all members of the  transformer teams for their participation and their support for the KlimaPlanReal project. The results of the transfer laboratories will be published on our website shortly. Following the first transfer laboratories is the second transfer laboratory phase. The preparations have already started. 

Last Modification: 13.02.2025 - Contact Person: