Status Quo Analysis

Status QuoEach participating university will work out the qualitative and quantitative current status in the areas of sustainable commuting and business mobility, regenerative campus energy, biodiversity and sustainable food & procurement. This includes a qualitative analysis of previous climate protection measures, including an analysis of actors with differentiation of formal (according to employment contract) and informal (voluntary, additional) actors, as well as the consideration of already existing communication regarding climate protection activities. In order to prepare the inputs and the situation for the university climate councils and the work of the transformer teams, the collection of quantitative data (e.g. greenhouse gas balance) is indispensable at this point. Therefore, as comprehensively as possible, the calculation of the energy and greenhouse gas balance is carried out with a view to the subject areas of Sustainable Commuting and Business Mobility, Regenerative Campus, Sustainable Food & Procurement. The development of a standardised calculation tool for balancing within the network, in compliance with the standard of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG), is in the foreground. The creation of an overview with external impact indicators for the individual thematic areas to present the current status is binding.

The status quo reports of the individual universities can be found here (in German only):

Last Modification: 21.05.2024 - Contact Person: